This document is a translation of the License agreement to use the 7Launcher software in English. In case of conflict between the Russian version of the License agreement to use the 7Launcher software and this translation – only the Russian version of the License Agreement to use the 7Launcher software is legally binding. The Russian version of the License Agreement to use the 7Launcher software can be found here:
Please, read the terms of this license agreement carefully prior to using this software. By using this software you completely and unconditionally accept the terms of this License Agreement.
If you do not agree with the terms of this License Agreement, do not use the software for whatever purposes.
1. General provisions
1.1. This License Agreement («License») sets forth the conditions of use for the “7Launcher” Software, version for Windows and is concluded between any person using the Software («User»), and the developer of, who is the owner of the exclusive rights in the Software («Right Holder»).
1.2. By copying and installing the Software on his/her personal device the User expresses his/her complete and express acceptance of these terms.
1.3. The Software may be used under the terms of this License only. If the User fails to accept the terms of this License in full, the User shall not be entitled to use this Software for whatever purposes. Any use of the Software in violation (contravention) of any terms of this License shall not be allowed.
1.4. Use of the Software hereunder for personal non-commercial purposes is free of charge. For the avoidance of doubts, the use of the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of this License by the Users being legal entities, either commercial or non-commercial, is not deemed as the use for commercial purposes. Use of the Software in accordance with the terms and by means not described in this License shall be allowed only subject to a separate agreement with the Right Holder.
1.5. This License and all relations connected with the use of the Software shall be subject to applicable law of the Russian Federation and any claims or lawsuits arising out of this License or the use of the Software shall be filed with and considered by the court at the location of the Right Holder.
1.6. The Right holder can provide the User with translation of this License from the Russian language into different foreign languages, however in case of any conflict between the terms and conditions of the License in the Russian language and its translation, only the Russian version of the License shall be valid.
2. Rights to the Software
2.1. The Right Holder owns all exclusive rights in the Software.
3. License
3.1. The Right Holder, based on a simple (non-exclusive) license, shall grant the User a free, worldwide, non-transferable right to use the Software as set forth below:
3.1.1. To use the Software in accordance with its functionality by copying and installing it on the User’s personal device(s). The User shall be entitled to install the Software on any number of personal devices.
3.1.2. To reproduce and to distribute this Software in an unmodified form and solely for non-commercial purposes (free of charge).
4. Limitations
4.1. Except for use within the scope and by means directly stipulated for by this License or the law of the Russian Federation, the User shall not modify, decompile, disassemble, decrypt and perform other actions with the object code of the Software, aimed at obtaining source codes of the Software and/or information on the implementation of the algorithms used in the Software, to create derivative works with the use of the Software, as well as to fulfill (to allow to conduct) other use of the Software, without the written consent from the Right Holder. The User may make a modification of the Software solely for his or hers own use and reverse engineering for debugging such modifications. The User shall not be entitled to distribute, communicate, make the Software available for the general public or otherwise use such modifications, except as for his or hers own use.
4.2. The User shall not, without the written consent from the Right Holder, reproduce, distribute and make available to the public, the Software in any form and by any means, not directly stipulated for by this License, including within the collections of software products, with the offering of other programs, settings and other products, regardless of purposes of such use.
4.3. The Software shall be used under the name of “7Launcher”. The User may not change the name of the Software, modify and/or remove documentation or other materials present in the Software and distributed with the Software, copyright notices or other indications of the Right Holder or other persons.
5. Other terms and notices
5.1. The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that when the automatic statistics sending feature of the Software is enabled, the Right Holder automatically receives anonymous (without reference to the User) information about the website visited from the Software, as well as information on the hardware of the User’s device, on the operating system of the User’s device, on the software installed on the User’s device, on the working (running) software on the User’s device, on possible threat sources or suspicious software in the operating system, for the purposes of providing respective features of the Software, improving the quality of the products and services provided to the User. The Right Holder has the right to use the said data in its other services and software for any purposes.
5.2. The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that when using the Software the Right Holder automatically receives the following unidentified information (with no reference to the User): the type of the operation system on the User’s device, the Software version and identifier, and other technical information.
5.3. All information on the Software usage, transferred in accordance with this license, shall be stored and processed in accordance with the Privacy Policy (
5.4. The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that when installing the Software, additional components (libraries Visual C++, DirectX, Steam) for the correct functioning of the Software. The User hereby acknowledges and agrees that when installing the Software, additional software required for the performance of certain features of the Software may be installed onto their device.
6. Limitation of liability under the License
6.1. The Software is provided «as is». Neither the Right Holder nor its suppliers make any warranties for error-free and uninterrupted work of the Software, Software fitness for any particular User’s purpose and expectations, and make no other warranties of any kind, except as expressly set out herein.
6.2. To the fullest extent allowed by the applicable law, neither the Right Holder nor its suppliers shall be liable for any direct or indirect consequences of any use or inability to use the Software and/or damages caused to the User and/or third parties as a result of any use or inability to use the Software, including as a result of possible Software errors or failures.
6.3. As an official Right Holder and distributor of the Software “7Launcher”, we state that our program does not malicious and unwanted software. “7Launcher” does not damage the PC or their Users, does not commit fraudulent or unintended actions, which can adversely affect the computer.
6.4. The User has the opportunity to add components, add-ons, various gaming and non-gaming modifications developed and offered for installation by third parties only for personal use. Based on paragraph 6.3 of this License Agreement, the Right Holder disclaims responsibility for additional components that does not own. The User understands and agrees that the User components shall be installed in the Software at the User’s own risk and discretion. The Right Holder shall not monitor the functionality or content of the services or resources accessed through this User components or their compliance with legislation, and shall bear no liability for the results of installation or use of the User components. The Right Holder shall not compensate the User for any damage whatsoever caused by the use or inability to use any User components or information, services and resources accessed through the User components.
7. Updates/new versions of the Software
7.1. The Software may automatically download and install updates from time to time, which are directed to enhance the Software and which can be in the form of patches, additional modules and new versions of the Software. The User is hereby notified and agrees that the Software will update automatically, including request, download and installation of updates for the Software onto the User’s device without further notice.
7.2. This License shall be applied to all future updates/new versions of the Software. The installation of an update/new version of the respective Program shall be deemed as an acceptance of the terms and conditions of this License by the User for relevant updates/new versions of the Program, unless the update/installation of a new version of the Program is accompanied by any other license agreement.
8. Changes in the terms of this License
8.1. This License Agreement can be modified by the Right Holder unilaterally. The notification of the User on modifications made to this License shall be published at: The specified modifications in the terms and conditions of the License Agreement shall come into force upon their publication, unless otherwise set out in the relevant publication.